Sunday, October 2, 2011


Above, I've posted my sets and reps chart from a prior leg concentration workout I completed last week. Sets and reps charts, and workout tracking in general should be implemented into every workout plan; if you haven't already done so take a serious look at adding this invaluable but often overlooked instrument of fitness. My first response when I am asked about how to make gains, how to overcome plateaus, or how I've developed over the years is, do you have a plan?

If your life is anything like mine you too have been locked into a daily systematization of mandatory responsibilities known as the real world. So if you can relate, when we decide to allocate one to two hours of our precious twenty four for ourselves, make it count.

Top Four Benefits of Having a Workout Plan

  1. Saves Time: When we train without a plan one of two things usually happens, I know they definitely happen to me. First we waste time deciding which body part to work and what exercise to do, spending just as much time walking around pondering as exercising. Second, now that we've decided on an exercise we waste time deciding the number of sets and repetitions to perform and ch0osing weight. Fitness is a science and in order to get a desired body response forethought needs to go in to exercise as specific combinations, timing, and sequences correctly place stress on the body, but fatigue, lactic acid threshold, and strength are important factors that need to be accounted for prior to our workout.
  2. Consistency: A key component to success, enables us to pick out patterns in our routine so that appropriate tweaks can be made to expound upon our strengths and improve weaknesses. Establish the workout plan as part of the fitness lifestyle.
  3. Reassertion: Keep measurable track of our progress, we've done the work now have the proof in our hands. Motivation arises from having piece of mind knowing we're on the right track as we monitor the payoff  and see our goals realized..
  4. Accountability: Any workout that is worth doing is going to have elements that are mentally and physically taxing. Ever end up at the gym and realize you don't want to be there? With no plan it is easy for us to let ourselves go through the motions or make up excuses to give us an easy out. Having a plan in our hands keeps us on track and is a reminder for why we made the effort and what we are capable of doing.

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